It's Game Time! Fill their days with family time fun, yummy snacks and hours of entertainment for the young... or young at heart! This fun and unique gift box holds hours of boredom busting entertainment from card games, hand held, portable board games, popcorn, candy and more. It's great gift to send to a family going on vacation, a get well gift to fill the time as they recuperate, or send a birthday gift to your favorite boy or girl filled with hours of fun and games for all! Each gift box arrangement is hand crafted with attention to detail, tied with pretty ribbon and includes a personalized gift message from you. Manufactured by Art of Appreciation Gift Baskets.
Ingredients: Red Gift Box; Checkers Board Game, Connect Four Game, Deck of Cards, Pick Up Sticks, 1 set of Go Fish or Memory Card Game, Jack Snacks Mix, Cotton Candy, Cracker Jacks, 2 Packages Microwave Popcorn, 4 Game Theme Candies (Operation, Sorry, Monopoly, Clue), M & M Plain Candy, M & M Peanut Candy, and Twizzeler Licorice.
When will my gift ship? When will my gift be delivered? Please review the Shipping Rates and Policies link provided below for
important information regarding the shipping and delivery time for your purchase.
Product Notes: This item ships and arrives in a closed gift Box tied with ribbon.
Price: $49.99
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