Thursday, March 10, 2011

Sean Penn says he'd welcome Sheen's help in Haiti

>>> a week after his hit comedy is cancelled, charlie sheen has become almost a cult-like hero to some. love him or hate him, he's capitalized on his popularity. jeff rossen sat down with the star this week.

>> reporter: charlie sheen is at a very dangerous intersection in his-right now and there is a lot at stake, his personal health, his children and truly everyone around him. this morning an exclusive new look inside sheen 's life at home.this morning an exclusive new look inside sheen 's life at home.around him. this morning an exclusive new look inside sheen 's life at home. sheen provided "dateline" with his own never before seen version of his reality. shot for us over the last 24 hours .

>> so should we talk in code now that --

>> reporter: in the eye of his hurricane, another day, another problem.

>> what do you recommend, talk to the cops or it tmz?

>> reporter: but we also see calmer moments. taking care of newfound business opportunities and strategizing with his entourage, huddled around his dining room table.

>> this is a think tank .

>> reporter: they seem to be plotting his next moves and his next attempts to capitalize on his exploding worldwide popularity, or infamy depending on how you see it. in in sequence shot by a friend on his back patio, his posse is talking about marketing the charlie sheen brand.

>> $50,000 it t-shirts, four different styles --

>> i'm sorry, 50 million.

>> reporter: we also catch a few glimpses of the hard boiled playboy armed with a cell phone and cigarette. there is always a supply of nicotine and caffeine on hand. almost a haze of smoke in the air. in between deals and meetings and inhaling, he makes time for his daily 5:00 a.m . workout.

>> coming for you.

>> reporter: and like his days on the set of major league , he makes time for a quick game of catch. all in all in fact sheen looks healthier and happier than i've seen him all week. and his so-called goddesses? they're never far from his side at sheen 's luxurious aclair. we also see his children's art work hanging on the wall of his kitchen, as well as his son's sippy cup that sheen has kept on display as a major shift shine. all if all, another glimpse into the real life soap opera playing to the camera.

>> a little tougher than the average.

>> reporter: and playing to a huge audience.

>> and that, everybody, is my master plan.

>> reporter: he says he's clean and sober and just wants to go back to work. at least that's charlie sheen 's reality.

>> thank god this whole thing was just a dream.

>> reporter: but there may be trouble in paradise . overnight charlie sheen tweeted rachel has left the building. we're sad. over it. applications now being accepted. so it appears one of the goddesses has left him in the past few hours. rachel, by the way, is the former porn star. sheen is just down to one godst.

>> i have some questions for you, but i want to bring in attorney gloria allred who has represented a number of high profile clients. thanks for joining us.

>> thanks for having me.

>> on thursday two days after his estranged wife removed the children from his care, charlie tweeted not sure what all the legal noise is about. just verbally reached a deal with b. no court monday. yay. but tmz is reporting the deal is off. sheen will be in court monday. what do you think went wrong there and what's going to happen?

>> well, what may have gone wrong is the fact that he spoke about the fact that there was a deal. because generally there is a confidential itity clause about such deals. and if there is an allegation that he breached it, it may have upset the other side and therefore the deal may be off.

>> his wife's emergency restraining order alleges physical domestic violence , but yet she didn't file a police report . would that work against her if there was no police filing?

>> well, she's not required to file a police report and she has not filed a police report . i find, however, that her allegations in her declaration in support of the restraining order , which was issued, are very troubling. and she could file a police report and if she did, it might be referred by the police to the district attorney for prosecution. because she alleges threats, menacing of her, that he said he would cut her head off and send it in a box to her mother, that he threatened her with a pen knife , threatened to stab her in the eye with it, that he's made other threats to her. and of course given the history of violence in the past, that he was convicted of assaults brooke mueller just in december of 2009 . and given her other allegation that in october 2009 , he knocked her to the floor, that she became unconscious, that she has photos of that and two witnesses. yes, that history of domestic violence is very, very troubling.

>> let me bring jeff back in. jeff , mueller if her court filings says she believes charlie's rage is due not to anned a dinan anned a addiction, but to mental problems. recently passed a couple of drug tests . you're not a sigh cpsychologist, but what's your sense of his reality?

>> we talked to some experts about that. some say he may be going crazy because he's not on drugs. he's abused drugs and alcohol and living a certain lifestyle for so many year, decades in fact according to some, that if you took something away that you used every single day that was such a big part of your life for decades, how would you react. it's sort of the way experts put it. and in this case it's a physical addiction , as well. so while the drug tests have come back negative, while i do believe he's been clean in the past week at least on the times that i have seen him, there is clearly something going on where he doesn't fully have a grip on reality. it is his reality. he is confident in it. he's lucid when i speak with him. and so it's very difficult to say, this is somebody who has such a high level of self-confidence, some would say narcissism, that it's tough to know if he's just delusional or if this is just somebody who is uber uber confident.

>> and this train that left the station a week ago with the rant, is there any regrets on this or is he just playing it sf.

>> no regrets at all. in fact there have been a couple of occasions where he said something so outland addition and it's been sort of an off the record setting, we've beenle rolling tape and just get something shots of us, but it was so outrageous, i called hip and said this is good stuff. i'd love to use it. since you actually do believe it, is that okay. and i would repeat back to him what he said. and one of the cases it was you told cbs that you want them to lick your feet while publicly apologizing to you. can we use it. and he said, yeah, use that. use that. i think the crazier it is, the more he likes it. no question he has no guilt, no regrets.

>> or i can' gloria, you had a comment.

>> when you were talking about his mental state , it's interesting that in brooke mueller 's declaration, his wife, soon to be ex-wife's declaration, she says that he is insane. that, in fact, if he is sober, then she is concerned about his mental health . and so it's going to be interesting in the legal case for custody, for visitation, about if there is a battle because, lester, everything that he says, it can be used against him if it might have an impact on the children and their safety.

>> all right, gloria allred , good to have you here. jeff , as well. thanks so much to both of you.

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